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Steps to Follow

Become an Au-Pair

Join our team of happy au-pairs, live your dream in the island of Cyprus offering over 300 sunny days per year. Seize this chance to improve your language skills, gain the life experience in the most exotic part of Europe, the crossing point where Europe meets the Middle East. Bring to life the great stories of mythology and be seduced by sun and sea in the island where Aphrodite was born. Take your future into your hands and apply today!

Basic info




Go through our website, read about Cyprus, think about your expectations and motivation to become an AU-PAIR CYPRUS, discuss it with your parents and friends, think it through and make the final decision.



The application is in English and you have to fill it out in English. Take your time, play some nice music and focus. Be honest, as detailed as possible and simply convince us that you are our future AU-PAIR OF THE YEAR. When done, press the submit button and wait for our email with further instructions. At the end of the application, you will be asked to upload picture of you, so make sure, you have it ready and available when you start to fill in the application. 



Our Country Agent will contact you and arrange convenient date and time of your interview.  Gather all documents, we ask yo​u to provide us with. Apart from others we will ask you to write also letter for your host family. In FAQ you can find tips on how to write the best host family letter. Prepare for your interview, summarize all questions you want to ask, arrive on time and amaze us!



The interview went well, all documents delivered by you are correct and complete, you passed psychometric test and you are still enthusiastic about living for one year in sunny Cyprus?  Now is time for you to relax and let us do our work. Give us some time to find a family matching to your abilities and requirements. It can take weeks or months, depending on your experience, requirements and availability.



Couple of weeks following your interview we will present you your potential host family. If you like the proposed family, we will arrange a Skype meeting between you and them. Don´t you worry, we will attend the meeting too and help you, if need be. If everything goes well and both sides are happy, then we are almost done.  If for some reason the family or you don´t agree on the placement or conditions, then we keep on searching until we find a perfect family for you.



After the successful Skype meeting with your host family you pay your registration fee and get ready for your new adventure. Organize wild farewell party, pack your swimsuit, say your good byes and get ready for your Cyprus adventure! We take care of the rest and we book and pay your flight ticket and transport from the airport to your new home.

Being an AU-PAIR is requires specific skills and so is not for everyone. Do you think, you can rise to the challenge? Some people struggle with separation from their families and friends, others find it challenging to deal with different culture, language barrier or new routines of their host family. However if you are strong enough to adapt to craziness of the first days, being and AU-PAIR will definitely be a life changing experience increasing your self-esteem and opening your mind,  making you stronger and independent human being with many new friends all around the world.


Whether you just want to kill time before going to university or you want to improve your English while soaking up the sun, one thing must be crystal clear from the very beginning. Being an AU-PAIR is a huge responsibility and serious job too, the kids, you are in charge of, are fully dependable on you and you are responsible for their safety and wellbeing, which requires permanent attention and full dependability during your working hours. Should you have slightest doubts about your readiness for this role, do not hesitate to express them to your Country Agent.


AU-PAIR CYPRUS is a cultural exchange program for young, single and childless people who come to Cyprus in order to improve their language skills, knowledge of the local culture and find new friends. An AU-PAIR has the status of a guest, it is not a job. Host family provides free food, accommodation and pocket money as a reward for help of an AU-PAIR. In return, the AU-PAIR helps the family with the childcare and housework. The main activities of an AU-PAIR are connected with the child care, such as playing games, transport, sport activities, tutoring, school preparation, daily hygiene, preparation of meals etc. Au pair also performs light housework such as vacuum cleaning, dusting, ironing , etc.

What you get

One of the biggest advantages of an AU-PAIR stay in CYPRUS is improvement of your level of English. English is second language spoken in Cyprus after Greek. Everybody in this island speaks English starting with small children ending with old grannies living in villages. You simply cannot avoid English and have to use it on the daily basis, which is a challenge in the beginning, but every day you improve  your communication skills and become more confident to actively use the language. SunnNanny arranged for you discounts on language courses, so as you can work on your English skills even more intensively.


Unlike other AU-PAIR agencies, SunnyNanny treats its AU-PAIRS as the family members. The happiness and wellbeing of our AU-PAIRS is of the highest priority for us. Our Country Agents (experienced former au-pairs) are here for you to assist you during the process of application, while the Regional Agents will counsel you after you arrival. Remember, you are not alone, team of SunnyNanny is here to make your AU-PAIR stay in Cyprus as pleasant as possible. 


SunnyNanny covers your flight ticket to Cyprus and back to your home country, as well as your airport pick-up. We also take care of your permit to legally stay in Cyprus (Country Registration Certificate). The Regional Agent will be at your disposal during your stay, if you have any problems or just need to talk. Within the preparations for the journey we will proceed with the personality profile tests and stress tests, to make sure that you are mature enough to make such a big step in your life. The results of the psychometric evaluation will be provided to you and to your host family. Successful applicants will also get the certified First Aid Training and couple of driving lessons, because Cypriots drive on the left side just like in England. 


With SunnyNanny, you have possibility of earning an extra income working as one of our babysitters under the condition that your host family agrees with it and you babysit in our free time only.


At the end of your placement you get an AU-PAIR CYPRUS certificate of excellence proving your new skills, knowledge and competencies acquired in childcare.



We keep in touch during the whole period of your placement. You can contact us anytime you need an advice, to complain or just to talk to someone. We also organise quarterly regional meetings for AU-PAIRS gathered in the same region. During these meeting you have a chance to get to know other AU-PAIRS and discuss and compare your experience in childcare.

About Cyprus

Are you searching for more than just a language improvement and cultural enrichment? Do you have enough of cold rainy weather? Do you want to learn scuba diving and surfing, make new friends, attend beach parties and have fun? Cyprus is the answer! With its 300 sunny days, turquoise sea, blue flag beaches, cosmopolitan cities and summer party vibe. Cyprus is the best place to be, if you want to taste exotic Mediterranean way of life, while keeping the benefits and rights of the European Citizen.


Most AU-PAIRS are placed in or around Limassol, Larnaca, Nicosia and Paphos. For more information about Cyprus please visit or


In order to be considered for the program, au pairs must have documented childcare experience and also meet all of the requirements below:


  • Have previous childcare experience

  • Be between the ages of 18 and 35

  • Be citizen of one of the EU member countries

  • Be a secondary school graduate (high school) or equivalent

  • Speak and understand English well

  • Have no criminal record

  • Be in good health

  • Be able to commit to a 12-month position


If you meet the requirements for becoming an au pair, we encourage you to review the AU-PAIR CYPRUS working conditions and apply.

Minimum Requirements

AU-PAIR CYPRUS works 8 hours per day, 5 days a week according to the schedule proposed by the host family. The family can request 1 night of babysitting per week. After 4 months of placement babysitter is entitled to 14 days of paid holiday a year. Minimum pocket money paid by the family is 360 â‚¬ per month. The minimum length of stay is 12 months.


Your duties as an au pair can be varied and will include tasks such as:


  • Playing with the children and keeping them safe

  • Preparing meals and snacks for the children

  • Helping to keep the children’s room tidy

  • Bathing and dressing the children

  • Helping school age kids by packing lunches, taking them to school and helping with homework

  • Entertaining the children and teach them about your culture

  • Taking the children on outings to parks, playgroups and other activities

  • Travelling with your host family on vacations and providing care for the children

  • Housecleaning  and other light housework

Working Conditions

The registration fee is paid after we find the host family for you. It amounts to 120 â‚¬ regardless the length of the stay.  All candidates submitting their application beore 30th of April 2014 get a special discount of 23 € reducing the fee down to 97 â‚¬.


The fee covers following expenses:


  • AU-PAIR CYPRUS Program counselling

  • Host family search

  • Return flight ticket

  • Airport pick-up in Cyprus

  • Assistance during your stay

  • Psychometric evaluation - personality and stress tests

  • Driving lessons

  • First Aid Certificate

  • Country Registration Certificate


The fee doesn´t cover the travel insurance. We strongly recommend to all participants of AU-PAIR CYPRUS  Program to arrange travel insurance (including third party liability)  for the whole duration of their stay.

Program Fees







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